

Coaching in particular is a professional development process designed to help you enhance your leadership skills and performance. So far so generic. But broadly, it means that we deal with change, whether that is change you want to make for yourself, or dealing with change that has been forced upon you, whether internally or externally.

The specific issues addressed in any session or engagement will vary, depending on your goals and needs, but some of the most common areas we look at with clients are:

Leadership Development:

Enhancing leadership skills, such as communication, decision-making, and strategic thinking. There is never no room for improvement.

Time Management:

“I’m drowning. Tortured by the tedium of your to-do list? We help you to improve time management and productivity, working out the difference between what’s urgent and what’s important.

Stress Management:

Permanently frazzled? On the edge of burnout? We help to develop strategies to manage that stress and achieve and then maintain, some work-life balance.

Work-Life Balance:

The holy grail. Does it even exist? We work out what that means for you and how to achieve what you want.

Goal Setting:

If those goalposts keep shifting, we help to set clear, achievable career, business or life goals and create action plans with you to make them happen.

Communication Skills:

I didn’t mean it to come out like that”. These days it’s more important than ever to get it right. We help you to work out how to say the right thing, in the right way.


 I keep getting that wrong and I don’t know why. We help you make better decisions by looking at what works and what doesn’t and create frameworks for more effective and realistic decision-making.

Team Building:

 No-one speaks to each other anymore”. And it’s even harder in the world of hybrid working. We can help you to build and manage high-performing teams, fostering collaboration and synergy. Dysfunction in teams sucks the lifeblood out of any business.

Emotional Intelligence:

Raising self-awareness and interpersonal skills. Sounds so simple, but this is often the most challenging but the most impactful area for coaching. It’s where you get the lightbulb moments.


“I feel like a complete fraud”.  We work on increasing self-confidence and assertiveness in your role. This is particularly effective where the role is changing or a company is expanding and there is a need to “step up”.

Performance Improvement:

Identifying, with a view to addressing, performance gaps, both individual and team. Working out sensible strategies for improvement.

Performance Feedback:

I love a 360”, said no-one, ever.  We help you to receive and provide constructive feedback effectively. Feedback given in the wrong way is often disastrous.

Succession Planning:

 “Should I stay or should I go. With apologies to The Clash, thinking about and preparing for change and creating a viable succession plan. So many businesses behave as if people are going to live forever.

Career Transitions:

I can’t even think about doing anything else. Well, now you can, because we can help you navigate the maelstrom of career change whether that’s at the middle or the end of a career.

Interpersonal Relationships:

“I hate my partners” One of the biggest areas we see in coaching is conflict, particularly at board level. We can help analyze what’s really going on, so that relationships with colleagues, board members, and other stakeholders might be improved. Where that can’t be achieved, we help navigate the conflict, towards seeking resolution and/or closure. 


Coaching is highly individualised and collaborative, and the focus of coaching will depend on your specific needs, challenges, and goals. We work together to work out what's needed. It's a partnership, but not as you've known it in the past.  

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