Nicky Richmond Coaching



Coach, consultant, confidante, consigliere, cheerleader, clarifier.

If you want to work with someone who doesn’t skirt round the edges, who gets to the root of the matter, and who helps you to sort out where you're going, let me help you. 

Whether you're at a crossroads, hate your life and can't work out how to change it, or are coming up to retirement or whether your business seems a bit too much to manage, let me help you. If you can’t make a decision and all the choices seem equally bad, I know what that’s like too, because I've been there. And I changed it. 

With a real understanding of the pressures, demands  and rewards of a senior professional career, I work with you to give you clarity and understanding and help you work out what's next.

Contact me

My key words are empathy, curiosity, and practicality. I try to find solutions. I'm great in a crisis. I aim to live a life aligned with my core values and so can you. I believe that doing so is the key to happiness and success, in work and outside it.

About Me : a blended approach.
I work as a mentor, coach, and consultant, not all at once and not all of the time. .

The reason I work in all three areas is that I find that people and organisations sometimes need a mix of approaches, depending on where they are on their journey. So sometimes it will be pure coaching, sometimes simply mentoring. When they need structured advice, that's when the consulting kicks in.

In working out what's needed I adopt the Anna Karenina principle: "all happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". 

So no two people have the same problems and we work together to work out what's needed and then we do what works for you.

Here's a little more about each.


Coaching is a purpose-driven approach to change in which a trained expert,  (that's me) , supports you by engaging in insightful questioning and attentive listening to assist you in recognising and then reaching ypur personal or professional goals. This promotes the exploration of your true self, enhances self-awareness, and instills a sense of responsibility, all the while helping you to realise your full potential and desired outcomes. I know that sounds like  megablurb,  but honestly,  it works. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

As a trained executive and life coach, I collaborate with you to unlock your full potential. Simple as that. But not simple at all. 


Mentoring is a relationship where an experienced individual (that's me) provides guidance, advice, and knowledge, often, but not always, to a less experienced person, that's you . I share insights, offer support, and help you to  develop skills and knowledge in a specific field or area, often contributing to your personal and professional growth.

Through mentoring, I share the knowledge and experience accumulated throughout my career, helping you to get where you need to be. You can learn from my successes and my mistakes. And the mistakes are way more interesting in my view.


Consulting is a professional service where we provide specialised advice and solutions to businesses or individuals. We assess challenges, offer insights, and recommend strategies for improvement. Our expertise can cover various fields, such as management, business development, succession planning and strategic growth. 

I often provide expert advice and strategic insights to firms and individuals. Whether you're seeking career growth or require strategic guidance for your organisation, I help you navigate complex issues and achieve your objectives. I really do.

Why should you trust me?

As the managing partner of a successful and dynamic law firm, and a lawyer for over 35 years, I led from the front. My vision and drive was crucial to the success of my firm and I presided over a period of huge growth and diversification, as well as successfully navigating one of the worst financial crises of the modern era.

I managed the firm as well as individual teams, created training programmes, did a huge amount of business development, encouraged a pro-bono culture, dealt with recruitment and worked out how to manage the myriad demands of my inward and outward facing role. I also managed to fit in a job as restaurant reviewer for The Lawyer Magazine for five years.

One of the things I'm most proud of is that when I left, the lawyer split was 50:50,  male/female, from top to bottom.  Added to this there were no unachievable billing targets and no culture of rewarding overworking. It was collaborative and humane. There was no gender pay gap, which is by far the norm in the legal sector. These issues were incredibly important to me and fairness continues to be an overriding value for me.

After leaving the law I ran a Breast Cancer Charity as an interim CEO, taking the charity through a significant change from a fund-raising to a service-providing charity during  the pandemic, which role reflects my dedication to making a meaningful impact outside the world of work. I still volunteer for a cancer charity and find that work to be both rewarding and grounding.

My Approach. Not for the faint-hearted.

I want you to succeed. That's the beginning middle and the end for me. I'm your cheerleader. I'm your coach. I'm your consigliere. I'm standing  on the sidelines keeping you going and telling you what you need to know. Sometimes I'll just keep asking the questions until you come to the answer you need. There is no one approach to my coaching like there is no one type of client. You are individual. So is my approach. 

I'm driven by a strong commitment to finding solutions and aligning actions with values, as I believe that's the key to lasting success and happiness, both in the corporate and personal spheres.

I excel at active listening, asking thought-provoking questions, challenging assumptions, and celebrating achievements. I have a very accurate BS detector. 

If you're ready, we'll take the journey step by step to unlock your full potential and create lasting, positive change in your life, career or business. I'm not just saying that. If you're ready, so am I. I've already helped people achieve things they never thought possible. I never thought I could do that either. Until I did. 


Identify your goals & achieve them

After we help you discover what you want, we'll work together to find the very best way of achieving it. 
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